in the Villa Magia Verde
We, Karin and Noel, warmly welcome you on our side. We would like to introduce you to the variety of the Azores, which fascinated us immediately. 2016 we found our dream of home here - in the middle of the beautiful Furnas on the main island of the Azores Sao Miguel. Flora and fauna, the people and the climate have fascinated us so much that we decided to focus our future lifestyle on here. And so we would like to invite you to experience this beautiful, partly untouched part of the earth.
• Low flight time nonstop
• Eldorado for nature lovers
• Excellent hiking paradise
• Unforgettable sea fauna
• Varied cultural offers
• Never overheat, never too cold
• Warm hospitality
• Exquisite island kitchen
• Careful handling of natural resources
• Versatile leisure facilities
Sustainable life in harmony with nature with a careful attention to the wonderful stimuli of the surroundings are an important concern for us. This is what we want to do in our Villa Magia Verde with interested guests and thus offer possibilities to come to rest, to make a "real" holiday and to rediscover itself.
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All rights reserved. Any duplication or dissemination in any medium, in whole or in part, requires the written consent of the authors Noel and Karin Eichler.
Todos os direitos reservados. Qualquer reprodução ou distribuição em qualquer mídia como um todo ou em partes requer o consentimento por escrito do direito de autor Noel e Karin Eichler
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Villa Magia Verde | Karin und Noel Eichler | Rua do Estaleiro 20 | 9675 - 057 Furnas | São Miguel | Portugal